General Health & Lifestyle Blood Test

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19 Biomarkers
Easy At-Home Test
Lab Analysis
Results in 2 Days
Blood Sample
Results Download

Pick up problems before they happen with a thorough blood test panel that checks all your major health biomarkers.

Choose how you'd like to collect your blood sample and post it to our lab. Your sample will be analysed by our UKAS-accredited lab partner (who also test for the NHS) and you'll get your results and doctor's report in days.


Cholesterol StatusDiabetes & Sugar HandlingThyroid HealthLiver HealthKidney HealthIron DeficiencyEssential Vitamins
Choose how to collect your blood sample
Personalise your test

Depending on your age, sex and any symptoms, you may consider adding to your test panel.

Total Price:£95.00
RatedFive Star Review
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Our General Health & Lifestyle Blood Test is for you if...

  • You want a general health check or 'body MOT'.

  • You want to check the health of your major body systems.

  • You want to be proactive & pick up problems before they affect your health.

How does the
General Health & Lifestyle Blood Test help you?

Dr Claire Merrifield

Dr Claire Merrifield

GP, PhD and our Medical Director

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Your body is quite simply the most precious gift you'll ever have. But how often do you check it out to make sure everything's working properly?

Like an MOT for your car, a few simple blood tests a year can pick up problems early, before they affect your health.

Our General Health and Lifestyle Blood Test is a thorough blood test panel for men and women to check the health of their major body systems - cholesterol & heart, liver, kidney, thyroid, diabetes and essential vitamins & minerals. Many of these biomarkers are related to your risk of developing heart disease, cancer and dementia.

These blood biomarkers will often warn of a problem before you notice any difference in how you’re feeling. The sooner you pick up a problem, the sooner you can take action.

If you’re over 40 years old, we recommend taking this panel every 12 months or so to make sure that you’re keeping your health on the right track.

If there's one blood test you do this year, do this one.

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What's tested in your General Health & Lifestyle Blood Test?

  • Cholesterol Status

    Your lipid profile - the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in your blood - is one of most important risk factors for heart disease. High cholesterol also increases your risk of stroke and dementia.


  • Diabetes & Sugar Handling

    Diabetes and pre-diabetes - the stage before full-blown diabetes - are directly linked to your risk of heart disease. Poor sugar handling is also related to other conditions such as cancer and dementia.


  • Thyroid Health

    Your thyroid gland controls how fast your metabolism runs. Thyroid problems are common and will affect all aspects of your health from your gut to your skin and mental health.


  • Liver Health

    Your liver is the main organ affecting how you metabolise pretty much everything you put inside your body, including food, drink and medications. Alcohol and excess body fat are common causes of liver injury.


  • Kidney Health

    Along with your liver, your kidneys are crucial to filter and detox your blood. But common conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes can cause damage over time.


  • Iron Deficiency

    Iron is essential for your red blood cells and immune system. Iron deficiency is the commonest mineral deficiency in the UK, particularly if you're on a plant-based diet or are a woman before the menopause. Iron deficiency can also be a sign of cancer.


  • Essential Vitamins

    Vitamin B12 and vitamin D are fundamental to health and deficiency is common.


Find out more about our General Health Blood Test